6 Signs That People Are Too Obsessed With Making Money

People might find themselves becoming a bit too obsessed with making money now and the pursuit of wanting to get rich. It’s a natural feeling for many in our society.

Life is short and anything can change in an instant.  So while money is important to our lives, it should not be all that matters. Here are a few signs that might signal you are becoming too obsessed with making money or getting rich fast.

1. All You Talk About Is Money

businessman with a phone
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

That’s rich coming from a personal finance nerd like me, right? As much as people do think about money, it’s not something people should talk about constantly to everyone in their life. It can be a touchy subject to some, plus there is plenty of topics to discuss with others about besides money.

If you find that every word you speak or most of your conversations lead to making money, getting rich, or how much you’re making, try to find ways to dial it back. You shouldn’t have money on your brain 24/7.

2. You Stress Yourself Out Trying to Get Rich

businessman stressed in a restaurant
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Money is stressful and managing personal finances can be too. But if your obsession with getting rich and chasing the “almighty dollar” is stressing you out, you may be too obsessive. If it is affecting your mental and physical well-being, it’s time to re-evaluate your goals. Ask yourself, “Is trying to make money or get rich worth the toll it has on my body and mind?”

3. You Jump On Every Money Making Idea

man drawing on board
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

Since making money now is a heavy priority, anytime some new way to make money comes up, you’re the first one to jump on it. There is nothing wrong with wanting to try something new, but it can become a problem if you never see something through and jump to the next thing right away.

By doing this, you aren’t putting 100% of your focus on something and can get frustrated when it doesn’t work out. This can take a serious toll on your mind.

4. You’re Alienating Friends and Family

man alone staring at a window
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

If you start noticing that you are alienating friends and family, or sacrificing close relationships to spend every waking hour focusing on money, you’re developing an unhealthy pattern.

What you should ask yourself is, after making all this money, who will be around for you to enjoy my life with? Your pursuit can push you to the top, but you might be standing there all alone. And independence from others is certainly okay, but you may start pushing away the people that matter most in your life.

5. Assuming Your Happiness Strictly Depends on Money

man laying on couch hugging money
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

You’ve probably read or have heard others say it, money doesn’t guarantee you happiness. Many pursue money thinking it will make them much happier. Sure, driving an expensive car around an oceanfront property would probably make you smile a bit, for example. But once the excitement of having money settles, many times that happiness fades too.

If your mindset is that happiness is strictly based on your money, you might be too obsessed with the idea what getting rich can mean. Remember that your self-worth is not based on your bank account.

6. Your Constantly Comparing Your Finances to Others

woman phone social media
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.

There are also a lot of people who spend money they don’t have to keep up appearances. And constantly focusing on others financials or stuff that may indicate their wealth, will drive you nuts.

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