The 5 Most Reliable Car Brands, According to Consumer Reports

Three automakers — Toyota, Lexus and BMW — beat their competitors when it comes to the reliability of their vehicles, according to Consumer Reports.

The publication recently released its annual list of the most reliable car brands. The top three brands for 2022 featured a slight change from 2021. Last year, the top three were Lexus, Mazda and Toyota. Mazda has dropped to fourth place in the 2022 rankings.

In compiling its rankings, CR says it looks at “the average predicted reliability score for vehicles in the brand’s model lineup.” CR also notes it must have sufficient survey data from two or more models for a brand to be included in the rankings.

On a scale of zero to 100, the average rating of all brands fell between 41 and 60 points. But these automakers all did better:

  • Toyota: Average predicted reliability rating of 72 out of 100
  • Lexus: 72
  • BMW: 65
  • Mazda: 65
  • Honda: 62

All other automakers surveyed finished at 60 or below.

CR notes that Asian automakers as a group build the most reliable cars — by far. They score an overall reliability average of 59. European automakers are in second place at 51, while U.S.-based automakers lag the field at 40.

Overall, cars — including sedans, hatchbacks and coupes — are the most reliable category of vehicles, earning a score of 58. SUVs get an average score of 51 followed by minivans at 44. Pickups are the least reliable category and score an average of 39.

Finding the best car for you

A car is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make, so it’s important to do your homework before buying.

Here at Money Talks News, we typically advise buying a used car rather than buying a brand-new one. Used vehicles usually are the more economical choice.

But buying used is no bargain if you purchase a lemon. So, before you shop, check out “5 Steps You Must Take Before Buying a Used Car.”

For more on mistakes you should avoid, read “This Hidden Car Cost Now Runs $3,656 a Year.”

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