10 Online Flea Markets You’ve Never Heard Of

Tirachard Kumtanom / Shutterstock.com Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on The Penny Hoarder. Where can you find antique Pez dispensers, hot vintage heels and (finally!) the perfect lamp to match your weirdly patterned bedspread — all on sale for just a few bucks? Or better yet, where can you sell them to make some … Read more

The 10 Best Cities for First-Time Homebuyers in 2023

Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com Home prices remain high and low inventories of houses for sale have many metro real estate markets stuck in low gear. What are first-time home buyers — who are making 45% of today’s purchases — to do? Zillow’s winter 2022/spring 2023 ranking of best cities for first-time homebuyers has a suggestion: Consider … Read more

9 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Shopping on Amazon

Vadym Pastukh / Shutterstock.com Amazon is one of the biggest retailers in the world. When it comes to shopping on Amazon, many people look for cost efficiency and convenience. However, you might be making some common mistakes when you shop at the giant online retailer. If you want to avoid losing out, avoid these errors. … Read more

8 of the Wildest Price Hikes of 2022

Zoriana Zaitseva / Shutterstock.com One of the biggest financial stories of 2022 was inflation The annual inflation rate was 7.1% as of November, according to the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is one of the federal government’s gauges of inflation. But inflation hit some items more than others — shooting as high as 254% … Read more