15 Cities With the Largest Drop in Home Sales in 2022

RikoBest / Shutterstock.com Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on Construction Coverage. The housing market is entering the traditionally quieter winter season, but recent indicators suggest that the market has already been slowing in the last few months. New listings, pending sales, and prices are all on the decline, signs of rapid cooling after a … Read more

5 Big Financial Regrets That Haunt Older Americans

Oleg Golovnev / Shutterstock.com We all have regrets — including financial regrets. As you get older, there’s a good chance that you might feel as though life could have been better if you’d just done things a little differently. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) recently surveyed more than 1,700 Americans aged 50 and … Read more

13 Ways to Reuse Old Sweaters

Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on Living on the Cheap. What should you do with old sweaters? You bought those sweaters for ski slopes you no longer visit, holiday and ugly-sweater parties at offices where you no longer work, or for fashions and sizes you no longer wear. Now, they … Read more

5 Banks Now Paying 4% or More on Savings

Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com The Federal Reserve continues to steadily raise its target range for the federal funds rate, and that has motivated banks to offer rates on savings accounts that were unthinkable not so long ago. To be sure, the average savings account rate is a paltry 0.24%. But if you know where to look, … Read more

6 Tricks to Make Driving a Car Better

Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com Driving a car comes with a lot of little annoyances that most people simply deal with. That’s just how things are, right? Not necessarily. Sometimes there’s an elegant solution to those things that vex you day after day, but you might never think of it on your own. And the best part? … Read more

9 Best Real Estate Investing Apps for 2023

The very thought of getting into real estate investing can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of work involved in finding the right property, not to mention the many expenses involved with purchasing real estate. On top of this, you have to worry about finding good tenants and being a landlord.  You can avoid the hassle … Read more

12 Best Paying Jobs in Finance in 2023

Job security is always a concern when choosing a career, but some fields are more recession-proof than others. And while there’s no guarantee that any job will be immune to cutbacks or layoffs, some industries weather economic storms better than others. One industry that tends to be recession-resistant is finance. After all, people will always … Read more