Never Buy These 10 Things With Your Credit Card / Many credit cards offer a slew of incentives to consumers who use them — from cash back and other rewards to zero liability in case of fraud. But credit cards are not always your best form of payment, especially if you aren’t great with debt. In many cases, you are better off … Read more

19 Things You Should Not Buy Online

Jaromir Chalabala / Online shopping has changed how we purchase everything from books to birthday gifts. It’s so easy to page through a list of items while stretched out on your couch — and sometimes too convenient to hit that “buy it now” button. But online shopping isn’t for everything. Just because you can … Read more

10 Cheap Things to Do in Retirement

Monkey Business Images / Retirement: Now you get to do all the fun stuff! Or do you? According to a recent survey from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, one big fear about retirement is “finding meaningful ways to spend time and stay involved.” For some, it’s a question of finances. Family issues or … Read more

14 Myths About Becoming a Millionaire

Nejron Photo / Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on NewRetirement. A lot of retirement planning articles suggest that you “need” a million bucks to retire securely. We know that is not true. There are as many different ways to retire with confidence as there are people. However, getting to a million dollars is … Read more

26 Big Ideas for What to Do in Retirement

RossHelen / Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on NewRetirement. You’ve probably spent at least a little time thinking about what to do in retirement. How will you fill your days? Where will you go? What will you do? With whom will you spend time? In retirement, you likely have more options for how … Read more

15 Things That Were Invented by Accident

Prostock-studio / We all make mistakes every day: dropped things, wrong turns, lost items, misspelled words. Most of those mistakes are quickly forgotten, and we move on. But sometimes, mistakes turn out to be happy accidents. Throughout history, decisions and actions that seemed like errors at the time have occasionally turned into wonderful discoveries. … Read more

10 Housing Markets Where Bidding Wars Are Disappearing

eakkarat rangram / Mortgage rates soared in October — and buyers promptly disappeared from the housing market, according to newly released findings from Redfin. Pending home sales plunged by 32.1% year over year last month. That is the biggest drop since Redfin began collecting data in 2013. Price cuts and deal cancellations also set … Read more

7 Holiday Gifts That Almost Always Disappoint

Sebastian Gauert / The holidays seem to approach like a giant snowball rolling downhill, gathering speed quickly until they are almost upon us. So it’s easy to make holiday purchases on impulse, snatching up a gift or decorative item without really thinking through it first. Some impulse buys can be huge hits, of course. … Read more

5 Things You Should Never Do in America, According to Reddit

Jaromir Chalabala / A user on the social media site Reddit recently started a wide-ranging conversation with the question, “In the United States, what should you never do?” The discussion thread received more than 12,000 comments, including advice helpful for U.S. visitors, and even more users rated it as an interesting conversation. Following are … Read more