How Many Bank Accounts Should You Have?

As you build your emergency fund and savings, a question you might ask yourself is, “How many bank accounts should I have?” However, for most people having one bank account is a common option and there is no thought in really expanding to other accounts.  Now the majority of people really do not need more than … Read more

6 Easy Ways to Make Money From Home

Making money and the ease of getting started is totally there, but everyone operates differently. So certainly keep that in mind. It’s important to note that these are not “get-rich-quick” options or ideas that you’ll make a full-time income from either. But these are more about ways to make extra money to help your financial … Read more

8 Simple Ways to Save Money Each Month

There will be a moment in your life where you probably wonder how you can start to save money each month consistently.  What would you do with that extra monthly cash? Put it towards paying down debt? Maybe add it to your savings account or investments? Use it for a nice vacation? Whatever your reasoning, … Read more

5 Easy Steps to Fixing Your Credit Score

While you don’t want to have a low or poor credit score, it is pretty common and happens often to people. The good news is, you can take steps to fix your credit and can have dramatic score increases in relatively decent time. However, the other part of this is to also protect your credit … Read more